The Lord has done some amazing things in the lives of teenagers this past year. I know it’s because of the work of God and the result of prayer. I believe in this generation of students; I believe they will have an amazing impact on our world and will pursue God with great zeal and passion…

So, you are just plain done trying. You’ve tried to pray but things just aren’t working out. There’s been no answer, and frankly, you are frustrated and annoyed with God. You question yourself as to why He doesn’t care enough to take care of your need…

The following are suggested verses that you can pray over yourself. There is one verse for each day of the month. 1. Pray for a spirit of Humility. “The willingness to submit” (James 4:10). 2. Pray for a spirit of Reverence…

We’ve all had those moments… when you get so irritated and angry that you’d rather claw the eyes out of someone rather than speak one nice word to them. You feel heat shooting up through your chest and out of your ears like an overheating locomotive engine…

You did it! You messed up, big time. You let yourself and probably others down. You failed! But you aren’t a failure. Your emotions might tell you that you are. Your friends might tell you that you are. Some of your family might even say that you are…

STRESS! Most teenagers know this familiar feeling that comes with subject tests, pop-quizzes, mid-terms, finals or other tests such as the SAT and ACT. The stress is even greater when you finally admit… that YOU did NOT study!

A Focus on God’s Attributes I’ve always been able to hold up my end of a conversation without difficulty. Except, that is, when it came to prayer, and particularly when I tried to express my praise to God. Attempting to begin and end my prayer times with praise and adoration, I often found myself flat-out speechless…

Level One: Creation’s Praise Created things like trees, rocks and nature praise by keeping their order. This is the most basic level of praise. It is done unwittingly or without understanding. Remember: Someone or something is going to praise God – Period.   Level Two: Angelic Praise. Angels and heavenly hosts were created to praise God…

PRAY ABOUT SOMETHING, NOT FOR SOMETHING! Don’t tell God how big your problems are…Tell your problems how BIG GOD is! ACTS-adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication BEGIN WITH SILENCE-prayer begins with silence to allow the Holy Spirit to shape and form our words. BODY PRAYER-touch your head and remember the ways you are close to God...

Many people visit the World Network of Prayer office and ask, “What do you have that can help me pray better?” Others stop to share how they struggle with maintaining their daily prayer life. Some are even honest enough to share that they don’t really have a prayer life and request material on how to start one…

There is a real struggle in prayer, when its approached wrong. Read the following article by James Robertson, who shares a real-life struggle he had with prayer. “A Call to Prayer” I haven’t posted in a long time. Lately, I’ve been facing a lot of spiritual attacks from the enemy and lately, honestly, he has been winning…

COMFORT: “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall” (Psalms 55:22). “Come to me, all of you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). ”I will never leave you or forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Don’t be afraid, for I am with you…

It was just another day in the neighborhood. A corrupt neighborhood…filled with dubious motives, hatred, politics and religious deviance. The city’s ministers, it seemed, were mostly self-serving and prided themselves in inflicting guilt on their saints with their powerful demands. There was also the working class…

If you are looking for a creative way to spend an evening with your youth in prayer, consider the outline below. You can use this to focus on God, each person, each other, and the world. There are several activities below as examples of things you can do with your group. The typical timeframe would be 60-90 minutes but you can adjust it…

1. Vision (Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no vision the people perish.)You must first see it to seize it! 2. Preparation: Leadership – Everything rises and falls on leadership. Select the right person, someone who has a good reputation, consistent prayer life, love for teens…

John 15:7 & Selected (adapted from a sermon by Rick Warren & from “Invited into His Presence” by Gene Barron) You’ve probably had people say to you, “I tried prayer and it didn’t work. I had a need and prayed about it…

In the midst of ministry expansion projects, our small congregation really needed God’s direction and blessing. That’s when the Lord led our prayer group leader to call for an eight-hour prayer lock-in. Members brought Bibles, candles, worship music, journals, and sleeping bags…